BUS-123 Introduction to Investments

Write an introduction that summarizes the expected outcomes of this course.

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Chapter 1: Introduction, Overview,
and Risk versus Return

What you’ll learn

  • Future Value Worksheet

    Future Value Tables

  • Liar's Poker Story - Slide 47

    Investopedia on the Difference between Investing and Speculating/Trading

    Fidelity International weighs in on the discussion

    Jack Bogle Interview with Forbes

    Speculative Booms of the Past

    Schwab's advice on risk versus return

  • They want to take your money!

  • Investopedia

    T. Rowe Price Cash Reseves Money Market Fund

    Fidelity Money Market Fund

    U.S. Government Money Market Mutual Fund Annual Report

    Interview with a Dyed-in-the-Wool CD Investor


Course FAQ

  • Yes, a list of all links are available on the Professor’s website, WonderProfessor.com

  • Yes, a list of all links are available on the Professor’s website, WonderProfessor.com

  • Yes, a list of all links are available on the Professor’s website, WonderProfessor.com