BUS-123 Introduction to Investments
Write an introduction that summarizes the expected outcomes of this course.
Chapter 1
Introduction: What is an Investment? (Slides 1 - 14)
189 views Jul 24, 2023 BUS123 - Introduction to Investments
This initial presentation is a gentle introduction to the concept of investing. You do not need any prior investment experience. Forget everything that you have heard from the talking heads on television and your brother-in-law, the self-anointed financial wizard. We start from the very beginning with the simple question, "What is an investment?"
An Overview of the Investment Universe (Slides 15 to 34)
81 views Jul 26, 2023 BUS123 - Introduction to Investments
What are the major investment asset classes? What returns can we reasonably expect from each over the long term? What risks are involved with each investment type? This presentation will answer these preliminary questions about the major investment types from a general perspective. Relax. We will get into the details about each as the course progresses.
Risk versus Return (Slides 35 to 54)
Here it is! The entire semester in a nutshell. This session goes into detail about the relationship between risk and return. We cover the widely used, yet imperfect measurement for risk, standard deviation, and show how historically, the investments with the highest rates of return have demonstrated the greatest risk.
Short-term Investments (Slides 54 to 72)
37 views Jul 26, 2023 BUS123 - Introduction to Investments
Short-term investments are often simply referred to as cash. These instruments are very liquid and safe, often guaranteed. They should be used only when you need your money soon, within a year or so, maybe up to 2 or even 3 years for some people.
Meet your instructor
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Chapter 1: Introduction, Overview,
and Risk versus Return
What you’ll learn
Future Value Worksheet
Future Value Tables
Liar's Poker Story - Slide 47
Investopedia on the Difference between Investing and Speculating/Trading
Fidelity International weighs in on the discussion
Jack Bogle Interview with Forbes
Speculative Booms of the Past
Schwab's advice on risk versus return
They want to take your money!
T. Rowe Price Cash Reseves Money Market Fund
Fidelity Money Market Fund
U.S. Government Money Market Mutual Fund Annual Report
Interview with a Dyed-in-the-Wool CD Investor
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Yes, a list of all links are available on the Professor’s website, WonderProfessor.com
Yes, a list of all links are available on the Professor’s website, WonderProfessor.com